According to a recent survey, 33% of customers who leave a brand relationship do so because their interactions lack personalization. The same study outlines that only 22% of customers worldwide agree that they buy from companies that take their needs, preferences and past interactions into account to deliver a customized experience.

Customer service plays a key role in customer engagement and satisfaction. However, too often employees who are in charge of customer assistance work with heterogeneous tools that restrain their ability to provide an outstanding customer experience.

How to fulfill the expectations of today’s demanding customers, while giving your employees the support they need to perform their tasks without struggling? This is where Salesforce Service Cloud enters the scene.

Salesforce has designed this solution to address the recurrent pain points of customer service departments: customer information dispatched in many different systems, lack of integration between the various channels used to interact with customers, difficult collaboration with external departments such as Sales and Marketing…

All Customer Information in the Same Place

Customers expect quick answers when they reach a customer service looking for help. What they don’t want is to repeat the same information again and again. With Salesforce Service Cloud, your agents no longer lose time searching and retrieving customer data from disparate tools. They can access every piece of information they need from the same place. With
Customer 360, all the customer data is automatically reconciled across all clouds. Your agents can get an overview of a customer’s history at a glance, without having to ask him to retell all the story. This allows them to provide quick and customized answers.

To improve response time even more, Salesforce Service Cloud includes Einstein artificial intelligence technology. With it, customer requests can automatically be routed to the best suited agent, according to expertise, location, language or availability.

Omnichannel Strategy Made Easy

Today, customers can interact with a company in many ways: mobile phones, instant messaging apps, social media, call centers, chatbots… To provide a seamless service, your agents need to go where the customers are, not the contrary. Service Cloud acts like the glue that puts all these channels together. The solution delivers a unified view on all interactions, wherever they take place. Your agents can be alerted in real time if a customer request occurs on one of these channels, in order to provide quick answers.

For a long time, such solutions were only aimed at big companies. With the inclusion of Salesforce Service Cloud in Salesforce Essentials, small and medium businesses too can get the benefits of a real omnichannel strategy.

A New Level of Collaboration with Salesforce Community Cloud

None is able to answer all possible demands by itself. For an efficient customer service, collaboration is essential. Salesforce Community Cloud provides a smart way to enforce collaboration, both within your company and outside. Customers can use it as a self-service portal, where they could ask their questions and find answers from other customers, partners and employees.

Service Cloud Increases Customers AND Employee Satisfaction

+32% of satisfied customers: this is the average increase reported by companies that use Salesforce for their customer assistance. But the advantages offered by the solution are not limited to the customer side.

From the employees’ point of view, Salesforce Service Cloud is a key empowerment tool. The solution allows them to focus their efforts on the resolution of customer problems, rather than losing time on low value tasks such as information retrieval. With Einstein Case Management features, they can also start adopting a proactive approach of customer request management: the solution automatically provides them with relevant information, before they even talk to the customer. Helping your agents do great work is key to boost your customer’s engagement: for your company, this is the path to continuous improvement of the customer experience.

Encouraging employees’ engagement can also be a way to increase your company revenues: if they are enabled to do so, customer service agents can do some upsell. When they are engaged in an interaction with a customer, they can suggest complementary products or manage renewal, based on what they know about the customer.