Implementing a CRM system is a strategic project for every company, driven by strong business requirement – not to mention demanding customers. However, in a digital environment, these requirements evolve very quickly.

Today, building a flexible and efficient CRM system may seem challenging: in a fast-paced world, your expectations, as well as the habits of your customers, are submitted to frequent change. Companies should build their systems according to the needs of business users, but they should also take into account the feedback of theirs partners, resellers and, of course, their clients. With a extended platform like Salesforce, they can address the needs of all stakeholders. However, such a solution should be customized to deliver maximum value.

Knowing this, how could you ensure that your project team delivers the best results? In this article, Enventiva explains why an agile methodology is the best choice for Salesforce projects, and how it can help companies build a CRM system tailored to their needs.

What does agile means, and how these methodologies differ from traditional approaches, such as waterfall?

The term Agile refers to various methodologies, such as Scrum, XP (eXtreme Programming) or Lean. These approaches are characterized by a set of common practices, formalized in the Agile Manifesto (2001):

  • The client is involved in the whole implementation process;
  • The method leaves room for change;
  • The priority is the product delivery ;
  • People, rather than processes, are the key to succeed.
  • Testing is vital.

Scrum, one of the most popular agile approaches, uses an iterative process. It is based on short cycles, called sprints, and on continuous improvement. Instead of building an exhaustive design document, that describes the expected product in its smallest details, the project team defines with the client which features are high-priority. The development can then start quickly. As soon as a feature is delivered, it is tested, and then deployed.

Why Salesforce and agile approaches are close friends

In 2006, Salesforce chose to adopt agile methods for its own product development.

Since then, Agile has become a part of Salesforce ADN. Salesforce solutions are constantly improved, with daily updates and three main annual releases. The vendor himself proposes Agile Accelerator, an extension of the Salesforce platform designed to support agile development.

CRM processes themselves evolve very fast, as explained before. Today, working with a fixed list of features to build a CRM system is a nonsense, because the list will soon become obsolete. Fortunately, companies have a better option : Agile.

The benefits of Agile for Salesforce projects

When a company plans to implement a software solution, the project methodology plays a key part to meet desired outcomes. For Salesforce projects, where speed, flexibility and customization are essential, agile methodologies have proven their value:

Users get an operational solution quickly

In agile approaches, the first iterations are focused on building a minimum viable product (MVP). Then, release after release, the initial Salesforce implementation is regularly improved.This allows the customer to see an operational product very early in the process, and to provide ongoing feedback. Close releases also facilitate the adoption by end-users, who can learn to use the software at their own pace. The sooner the solution is up and running, the faster a company can get a return on investment.

Deliverables remain aligned to the customers needs

The client involvement is a main advantage of agile methods. Through the product owner, the customer’s vision is represented at every moment in the project team. The CRM system can be field-tested very early in the implementation process. This way, if the business needs have changed during the implementation, the solution can be customized in real-time. This is key to ensure that the final product will be used.

A focus on quality

Agile methodologies also help to detect potential issues very early. While in waterfall approaches, tests are generally planned at the end of the development, in agile methods, tests are built-in from the beginning. This truly helps building reliable and robust solutions.

Implementation stays under control

Last, but not least, agile approaches provide a better visibility on the project schedule and the associated costs. Working in short iterations, each one with clearly defined goals, is a good strategy to prevent the projects from slipping.